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Moving lists between folders on the desktop or a mobile device is easy! From the Zenkit home page, click on the list you want to move, then drag and drop it to the folder you want.

You can also move lists via drag & drop inside the navigation panel. After having placed the list where you desire it to be. Confirm the action in the pop-up that appears.


Dragging and dropping lists in this way can also be used to re-order the lists in the folder, so you can put your most important lists at the top.

Note: re-ordering lists like this changes the way they're displayed for every member of the folder.

You can also move to a different folder from the list settings. Click on the list name when it's open, and select "Move to Folder" from the "Location" section, then choose the folder you want from the dropdown menu.

When you move a list, list members will remain, and members of the new folder will be able to see the list.

Members of the old folder who are not members of the list or new folder will no longer be able to see the moved folder. 

Note: Only the list owner can move list.