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You can find items quickly in two ways.


You can find items inside the current list using the filter. Click on the filter icon in the top left corner of your screen, or go to your filter panel.  

In the "Title contains" search bar, type in the name of the item you're looking for.

If you need a broader scope (e.g. to include multiple text or other fields), click on "Add condition" and pick "Any field" from the drop-down menu.

Any item that contains the search term in any field will show on your view, all other items will be hidden. 

If you want to remove the filter, click the green x icon next to your filter.

To learn more about filtering, read our guide to filters.

Global Search

The global search function is a lot broader than the filtered search and will search through every list as well as archived items.
Click on the magnifying icon in the panel on the left side of the screen and start typing. The first results to appear will be related to the list you currently have open.

Learn more about panels here.

To learn more about searching archived items, read the article on restoring an archived item.