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You can quickly print a list in table form, either as a whole or with a filter applied.
To print a list, open the list settings by clicking on the name of the list that was opened. Scroll a little further down and select "Print" from all the export options. Click "Print" to create a PDF out of your list.

To print a filtered version of the list, first apply the filter, then follow the steps above. Choose "Print with current filter" to print only the items that match your filter.

You can also pick which information you want to include in the pdf file.
Keep rich text will include HTML and Markdown code in the pdf file.
Include comments will include the item's comments in a separate column.
Include checklists will create a column containing any checklists on the item.
Wrap values in quotation marks will surround all information in all fields by quotation marks, e.g. "02.01.2018" instead of just 02.01.2018.
Include archived items will print all archived items inside the list as well.

To print a filtered version of the list, first apply the filter, then follow the steps above. Choose "Print with current filter" to print only the items that match your filter. Finally, click "Generate PDF" to see the option to save as PDF or print from the browser.