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You can easily import your existing spreadsheet data to Zenkit so you can get started as quickly as possible.

From the navigation bar, click on the "+" icon next to the folder name.

Now you have a few options.

If you click on "CSV" in the New List popup you can then choose a file saved on your computer. Click "Choose a .csv file" to browse for your file.

Right underneath you can paste your table data. (Use this method when you've copied a whole table eg. from Excel or Google Sheets).

Once you've uploaded or pasted your spreadsheet, click "Preview CSV Spreadsheet".

In the spreadsheet preview, you can choose whether the first row is used as headers (and therefore as fields) or not. If you choose to use them as headers, Zenkit will automatically recognize and assign a field type to each of the columns. To learn how to change the field type later on, read our article on customizing and converting fields.

Zenkit will also automatically detect which delimiter has been used to separate columns. If you want to define it yourself, just choose the delimiter from the dropdown menu.

Once you're satisfied with the way the spreadsheet looks, click "Import CSV". Your new list will be called 'Csv Import from {Name of your spreadsheet} - {Sheet #}' or 'Csv Import from Clipboard'. Here's how you can rename your list.