A project chat is similar to a group chat, but there's one very important difference: Project chats are chats about a project running in a different Zenkit app (e.g. a collection in Base, or a list in To Do).

Create a project chat

To create a project chat, you'll need to open the project from within the other app (e.g. Base or To Do). From there, click on the name of the project to open the settings, then go to "Zenkit Suite". Click "Connect" next to Zenchat. A new browser tab or window will open where you'll be asked to confirm whether you want to connect your project to Zenchat. Click "Connect" and the chat will appear.

When you go back to Zenchat, you'll see the project name as a group chat in the navigation menu. All members from that collection or list will automatically be added as members to the group chat. In the "Tasks" menu, you'll see a list of all the tasks in the project from the other app. Project chats will also use the same name and icon or image that's used in the other apps, so it's very easy to recognize!

Project chat settings

To open the chat settings, tap or click on the name of the project while it's open. On mobile devices, you can also swipe left on the name of the project chat from the navigation menu and then click the ... icon. On a computer, you can right click on the name of the group and choose "Settings". From here, you can change the name of the project, manage the members in the project, access tasks and files, customize the appearance of the chat icon, and more. 

Please note that any changes you make e.g. to the name, appearance or members of the project chat through the chat settings will also make the same changes to that project in the product from which it originated (e.g. the Base collection or To Do list).

Learn how to manage all chat settings here