You can see whether your form is already published or not in the upper left corner of the form. To publish or unpublish it, click the lock icon and toggle the switch (green means published).

Who can see your form?

Once you enable the switch, confirm the publication in the following popup. A link will be generated which leads to the form in Zenkit. Share this link with coworkers, friends, etc. so they can fill out the form without a Zenkit account. 

Beneath the link, you will also see a QR code that can also be used to access the form.

Below that, you will see the iframe that you can use to embed the form on your website.

After you share the link but unpublish the form again, the link won't work anymore and the form becomes only visible to members of the form within Zenkit again. You can use the member icon right next to the publish icon to add anyone who needs access to it. Click here, to learn more about form members.

Access rights

Similar to users and groups, public access can have a role. These are either Read-Only, Write-Only or can be both.

Collection Writer: This is the default setting for Zenforms. In this role, forms can only be sent.

Collection Guest: This allows only loading items from the collection, but not creating them. This is useful, for example, if a form in Collection A points to another Collection B via a reference field. To be able to load the references at all, Collection B must also be public and public access requires read rights.

Collection Editor: This is an important role if the responders should be able to create new items and responses by form, but should also be able to reference other forms. This role allows both.

If the respective editing rights within the collection are missing, the respondents will receive an error message. ("You don't have the required permission").