Applicable Plans
  • Free
  • Plus
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Lists are more than just simple to-do reminders—they can be powerful tools that enhance efficiency across all areas of work. Whether you're managing projects, organizing tasks, collaborating with teams, or maintaining personal views, each list type serves a unique purpose. From detailed databases to files and documents, understanding the different types of lists and how they can be used will help you streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and keep everything on track with greater ease.

Project: Plan complex projects by using subtasks, dependencies, resource planning and much more. 

Tasklist: A little simpler than a project but still has all necessary fields such as stage, due date, assignments and more.

Database: Helps you store but mostly structure data like customers and events. In addition, you can add references to related tasks.

Personal View: A Personal View is a global view that is only visible to yourself.

Team View: Team Views are global views just like personal ones. The only difference is, that they are visible to not only yourself but every single folder member/list member.

Document: Create a collaborative document and cooperate with your team members.

File: Upload any files to your folders and make them accessible as well as visible to your entire team.