Subtasks are a really helpful way to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones. Subtasks in Zenkit To Do are more like a checklist, in that the subtasks cannot be assigned to a member or given a due date (or have any other additional information) individually.

Adding a subtask

You can add a subtask simply by tapping or clicking in the "Add a subtask..." field. Hit Enter or tap/click "Add" to add the subtask. The cursor will appear in the next line to add the next subtask so you can quickly add a long list if you need to.

Marking a subtask as complete

Just like a normal task, a subtask will have a round circle next to it. Tap or click this to mark the subtask as done. The circle will get a blue checkmark and the subtask itself will be struck through. You can uncheck it by tapping the circle again.

Removing a subtask

On the web or desktop app, click the "..." icon on the right of the subtask. You can either archive the task to remove it from your list or remove the task from subitems. This will turn the subtask into an independent task within the list.