Applicable plans
  • Free
  • Plus
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Zenkit users can be given specific roles which give them certain permissions within folders and lists. Currently there are five user roles - Owners, Members, Editors, Commenters, and Guests.

Roles and permissions can also be split between folders and lists. For example, someone who is a "Member" of a list, can also be only an 'Editor' of the folder that contains the list. This means they have full permissions inside the list, but limited permission in the folder itself.

Currently each of these user types still needs to register for a Zenkit account, even guests and commenters. However, if you just want to share a list without anyone needing to register, you can publish it

User roles and permissions

A folder or list owner is the user who created the folder or list. This user has full permissions within the folder or list, including being able to delete it, and move list to other folder.
Full list permissions include creating new lists within a folder, creating, deleting, or editing fields, and changing the background of lists. Owners can also add and remove users to a folder or list, and re-assign user roles. There can only be one list owner.

A member has full permissions within a folder or list and can also re-assign user roles that are lower than "Owner". A member cannot delete a list or folder, nor can they move lists to another folder.

Editors can create and archive items, and add information to items e.g. by adding labels, text, dates, or numbers, but they can't add, remove, or make changes to fields. Editors are also unable to change how a certain view appears, and cannot create or edit saved filters and views. Editors may not add or remove members, change member roles, or change list backgrounds.

Commenters can view a list, use filters, and comment on items within it, but have no other permissions.

Guests can view a list, use filters, and open items, but not interact with it in any way.

If a user in a list has a certain role assigned to them in the folder, you can also select 'None' as a role. This will automatically give that user the same permission in the list as they have in the folder. 

Changing user roles

To change the role of a user, you need to be an Owner or Member of the folder or list. To change folder roles, click on the folder name on the home page, then on "Members". To change them in a list, click on the list name, then "Members", or click on the member icon in the top left corner of the list.

Once the list of members is visible, click on the name of the user you'd like to assign a role to. A dialog will pop up where you can select one of the available roles from the menu.

Changing list privacy

You can choose whether to make the list available to all folder members or not by clicking "Access" at the very top of the menu.

The tiny lock symbol will only give access to direct list members. The member icon will give access to all folder members. The blue hook shows you which is active.

Changing the folder or list owner

Only the current owner of a list or folder can transfer ownership.

To transfer ownership of a list, click the list name, and then click Access. To transfer ownership of a folder, click the folder name on the Home page to open the Access section. Click the person to whom you want to transfer the list or folder. In the bottom section of the window that opens, you can then select Transfer Ownership.


Group roles vs. User roles

If you have a Business plan, you may have access to your organization's admin panel. This allows you to create and add user groups. You can set permissions for an entire group. However, group permissions do not impact user permissions. User permissions override group permissions on a list or folder level.