Applicable plans
  • Free
  • Plus
  • Business
  • Enterprise

You receive notifications when you are added as a member to an item, list, or folder. You also receive a notification when a change is made to an item, filter, or list you're subscribed to, when a reminder is due, or when you're mentioned in a comment. 

Accessing the inbox and the first steps

The inbox can be accessed by either clicking the tiny inbox symbol within the collapsed panel or choosing "Inbox" within the open side panel on the left side of the screen If you have any unread notifications, the icon shows a small number.

Notifications that you haven't yet read are marked with a blue dot. Clicking on the notification will bring you to the folder, list, or item you are being notified of.

To mark a notification as read without doing this, click the two little ticks, that appear when hovering over the notification.

To mark all notifications as read, click the "..."-symbol in the top right corner of the menu and choose "Mark all as read".

This is where you will also be able to access the notification settings as well as to archive all notifications.

Notification Filters

It is possible to filter your notifications to show only read or unread notifications. In addition to that it is now possible to also filter by "@ Mentions", "Comments" "Bookmarked" Notifications and the "Archive".


Notification locations

You will be able to see which lists need your attention from the Zenkit home page with a notification icon on the list tile:

And from the navigation menu: 

If you're inside a list and you have a notification about a particular item, the item will also show a notification icon in the list, Kanban, and calendar views.

Click on the item to remove the notification icon. You can also click on the icon next to the list name to open the notifications menu to "Unread notifications in this list".


Click here to learn more about notification settings.