Group chats are a way to chat with multiple other people, just like any group chats you are part of in any other chat app. With Zenchat, you can also create and assign tasks to anyone in the chat, and access them in the shared tasks panel. Perfect for planning a party, managing family chores, or keeping your small team on track!

Create a Group Chat

To create a new group chat, click on the "+" icon at the top of the navigation panel, then choose "New group chat".

Name your chat, then click on "Add Member to Group" to start adding other members to the group chat. 

From the member-adding menu, you can also invite a new user to join Zenkit. Simply type in their name or email address. If this person doesn't have a Zenkit account, you will be prompted to invite them.

Group chat settings

To open the chat settings, tap or click on the name of the group while it's open. On mobile devices, you can also swipe left on the name of the group chat from the navigation menu and then tap the "..." icon. On a computer, you can right-click on the name of the group and choose "Settings". From here, you can change the group name, manage the members in the group, access tasks and files, customize the appearance of the chat icon, and more. 

Learn how to manage all chat settings here