Single Sign-On (SSO)

You can enable single sign-on using SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) protocol.

To enable SSO, you need to add Zenkit's Entity ID, Assertion Consumer Service (ACS) URL, and Zenkit Login URL to your identity provider.

You can find these already populated in the SSO settings, and simply copy and paste them directly into the fields provided in your identity provider (IdP). Please ensure that you don't modify them in any way as you copy them across, as this information is needed by your identity provider to identify and authenticate Zenkit.

Next, you need to fill in the details provided by your IdP: the SSO URL, Identity Provider Issuer, and X.509 Certificate.

You can find this information in the SAML-based SSO configuration section of your IdP. For more information on this for your IdP, please see our article on "Setting up custom SAML in Azure".

Learn more about setting up SSO in these common IdPs: