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The "Recently Used" feature and the Home Screen in Zenkit are designed to help you navigate your workspace more efficiently by providing quick access to your most recently used lists and a clear overview of all your projects.

Understanding the Home Screen:

When you log into Zenkit, the Home Screen is your central hub. It is organized into folders that contain all your lists, making it easy to see the structure of your projects at a glance. Here's how it works:

Folders & Lists

The Home Screen displays your work divided into folders. Each folder contains various types of lists, such as projects, task lists, documents, databases, and more. This setup helps you stay organized by keeping related tasks and information together.

Recently Used Section

At the top of the Home Screen, the "Recently Used" section shows all the lists you've recently interacted with. This allows you to quickly return to the lists you're currently working on without having to search for them again. Simply click on a list in the "Recently Used" section to open it directly.

Using the "Recently Used" Feature:

In addition to being on the Home Screen, the "Recently Used" feature is also accessible via the navigation panel on the left side of the screen. 

This feature is particularly useful for:

Quick Access:

The "Recently Used" section lists the last few lists you've worked with. This feature saves you time by allowing you to jump back into your recent work instantly.

Consistent Navigation:

No matter where you are within Zenkit, you can always access your most recent lists from the navigation panel. This ensures that you can easily switch between tasks and lists without losing your place.